Since the musician and comedian Juca Chaves Morreu died, there have been a lot of questions on social media about how he died.
Chaves was a musician and comedian who had a lot of fans. He was taken to the Sao Rafael Hospital in Bahia, which is where he died on Saturday night.
The hospital said he was there for 15 days and died because he had trouble breathing. His family hasn’t talked about his death very much.
He had problems with his lungs, which made it hard for him to breathe. He didn’t make it out of there alive.
The hospital told them that they couldn’t say more about themselves because their families hadn’t given them permission.
On Sunday at 2:30 p.m., his funeral will be held at the Bosque Da Paz Cemetery. At 4pm, the body will be burned.
Life overview of Juca Chaves
Juca Chaves, whose real name was Jurandyr Czaczker, was born in Radio de Janeiro, Brazil, on October 22, 1936. He was the son of Austrian Jews who moved to Brazil to start a new life.
He has been trained in classical music and has been writing music since he was a child.
In the late 1950s, he played modinhas and troves softly as a professional musician. In the 1960s, he built a circus by the Cantagalo Court and Rodrigo de Freitas. There, he put on his play “Menestrel Maldito.”
In 1970, when Emilo Garrastazu Medici was in charge, Chaves was forced to leave the country and live in Portugal.
Still, he felt compelled to move to Italy when his jokes about the fascist government in power at the time became popular on TV and radio.
Chaves became a TV host when he moved back to Brazil after the war. In the 1980s, he started his own record company called Struws Records.
During his career, he worked on many different projects and earned a lot of fans and recognition.
Later, he told the Christian Social Democratic Party that he wanted to run for senator in Bahia. He got 19,603 votes, which was 0.35 percent of the total.
In 2010, he also tried to get a job as a federal constable, but he failed. Before he died, Chaves Morreu lived in Bahria with his wife, Yara Caves, according to sources.
They had two adopted daughters, Maria Morena and Maric Clara, who they raised as their own.
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