HBO Is Planning A GoT Prequel ‘Roberts Rebellion’ And The Potential Cast Looks Awesome!

First some good news. The New Trailer of Westeros the series is out and it looks awesome. Though some are saying it is fan made, but looks really authentic. Even The Telegram couldn’t resist posting about it.


The last season of Game of Thrones aired in 2019, but HBO has previously announced plans for a prequel series. Several were proposed, with one eventually moving ahead and becoming a pilot: Blood Moon, which is about the beginnings of the White Walkers. It was cancelled, and HBO moved on to House of the Dragon, which is about the Targaryen civil conflict known as the Dance of the Dragons. Just this morning, we discovered that HBO is considering developing a programme based on Tales of Dunk and Egg, a smaller-scale drama based on a collection of novellas set 90 years before Game of Thrones.


Robert’s Rebellion, often known as the War of the Usurper, was one of the last great civil conflicts among the Great Houses of Westeros. It lasted around a year; two if the Assault on Dragonstone is counted as the final combat of the conflict. [2] It was started by the Mad King’s execution of Rickard and Brandon Stark.

via : the Telegraph

Check it out :


Now for the main news, check out the potential cast for Got Prequel.

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Late HBO Cancelled the show saying Robert’s Rebellion spin-off off the table (again) at HBO


It has been confirmed that HBO is not working on a Game of Thrones spin-off programme about Robert’s Rebellion, probably the most pivotal event in the series’ past. Instead, journalist James Hibberd has verified that the rumours were sparked by confusion about the recently announced stage play project.

It has been confirmed that HBO is not working on a Game of Thrones spin-off programme about Robert’s Rebellion, probably the most pivotal event in the series’ past. Instead, journalist James Hibberd has verified that the rumours were sparked by confusion about the recently announced stage play project.

The stage drama will depict the account of the Great Harrenhal Tourney in the Year of False Spring, where Lyanna Stark met Rhaegar Targaryen, setting in motion a chain of events that led to Robert’s Rebellion. George R.R. Martin previously stated that he is not interested in investigating the true narrative of the tourney and the Rebellion, as the Song of Ice and Fire novels would reve