One of the most significant characters in the Max (previously Cinemax) martial arts historical drama series “Warrior” is Wang Chao, who is portrayed by Hoon Lee. His primary business is obtaining illegal goods for the San Francisco police department as well as for numerous tongs in Chinatown. He was formerly a slave who transitioned into a black-market merchant. He is seen as a neutral character, but as the show goes on, he begins to collaborate with Hop Wei more and more. Ah Sahm, the main character of the series, is first introduced to Father Jun by Chao. Although they grow to admire one another, Chao and Ah Sahm’s relationship remains complex over the course of the seasons. Chao eventually puts himself in risk while helping Ah Sahm. We can answer your question about whether Chao is actually killed in “Warrior.” Spoilers follow.
Is Wang Chao Dead?
Chao is basically everyone’s friend because of the work he does, but some people are wary of him because of the relationships he has on the job. Since he is the one who directs the Hop Wei leadership to the currency plates, which the tong then uses to produce counterfeit money, he has never encountered as many dangerous situations as he does in season 3. When the Secret Service learns of this, Lee is enlisted to assist with the investigation. Lee visits Chao, who is knowledgeable of how things operate in Chinatown and decides to get rid of the other man with the aid of Happy Jack after realising the threat he offers. Sadly, Happy Jack betrays Chao and sends him and Lee to Georgia. As Lee’s family attempts to enslave him and kill Lee, Chao is forced to relive the horrors of his past.
However, Chao and Lee murder the latter’s family members before fleeing to California to exact revenge on Happy Jack before returning to their pre-existing dynamic. Lee keeps looking for the plates up until he detains Yan Mi, the printer, which forces Ah Sahm to show up and negotiate a settlement with the police. Later, after telling Chao the truth, he gives Chao the money he had previously saved.
Things don’t go as expected in the season finale. However, Lee obtains the plates and frees Yan Mi, who then heads to the station in the hopes that Ah Sahm will appear. Instead, Chao shows up and offers her Ah Sahm’s savings, which persuades her to leave. Zeng, the head of the Fung Hai Tong, approaches Chao from behind and stabs him several times, leaving the man to perish in a pool of his own blood as the train pulls away from the station. On the one hand, if Chao passes away, it will have an effect on the story in its own unique way, reiterating the threat that Zeng represents. On the other side, Chao’s passing will result in the loss of a compelling character for the show.
Did Hoon Lee Leave Warrior?
It’s safe to assume that Lee would depart “Warrior” if his character passed away. However, Chao is still alive at the end of the series, leaving Lee’s and his fate in the programme in doubt. Lee contributes to the show as a writer in addition to acting. You Know When You’re Losing a Fight is the title of his writing for season 3 episode 8. In an interview with Inverse, Lee stated that “the subject matter speaks to the lived experience of a lot of Asian Americans.” And as a result, I discovered that I had a strong urge to be as active with this particular programme as possible.
The author-actor went on to say, “I found that my desire to be as involved as possible with this particular show was very obvious to me and quite acute.” Lee has a good chance of returning to one of these roles, if not both, if the fourth season of “Warrior” does air. “I’ll have a much better sense of what to expect if we are lucky enough to get a Season 4 and I’m lucky enough to reprise this dual role,” he said to the same publication.