The mystery comedy-drama series “Only Murders in the Building” on Hulu was created by Steve Martin and John Hoffman. While Charles, Mabel, and Oliver each struggle with their own lives, the third season centres on the murder of Ben Glenroy. Despite the fact that Charles and Joy appear to have a flawless relationship, season three shows Charles struggling in his union. Charles and Oliver’s relationship takes a significant turn in the fifth episode when they get into a heated argument. Here’s everything you need to know about Charles and Joy’s relationship in ‘Only Murders in the Building’, including if they break up and whether they reconcile. Spoilers follow!
Omitb Drama: Charles and Joy’s Relationship Ups and Downs
Do Charles and Joy Break Up?
Charles-Haden Savage (Steve Martin) starts dating Joy (Andrea Martin of ‘Evil’), his longtime makeup artist, after reuniting on the ‘Brazzos’ revival sets. Despite spending almost three decades working together, Charles and Joy never developed a personal relationship. In contrast, Joy says yes when Charles asks her out in the season 2 finale. On the opening night of Oliver’s new theatrical production, which stars Charles and Ben Glenroy, Joy is also present at the theatre. Joy appears with Charles in the third season and begins to freak out the latter. Eventually, Charles tries to end things with Joy but forgets and unwittingly pops the question.
‘Ah, Love!’ is the title of the third season’s fifth episode. After Charles confronts Joy about her lipstick being discovered in Ben’s dressing room, they get into a fight. Joy consequently flees the flat in a fury, leaving Charles alone with Sazz Pataki, his stunt duplicate. Sazz encourages Charles to overcome his commitment issues while also assisting Charles in realising Joy’s value. In the end, Charles apologies to Joy for implying that she was responsible for Ben’s passing. Joy adds that she assisted Ben in covering up a face injury sustained by Charles on opening night while she was backstage. Charles makes an effort to win Joy over by demonstrating a willingness to reform, but Joy is horrified by Charles’ actions because he talked to Oliver and Mabel about accusing her of killing Ben before engaging in an open discussion with her. She then renounces the engagement and departs the flat.
Will Charles and Joy Get Back Together?
The fifth episode’s ending suggests that Charles and Joy are no longer together. Charles and Joy are in a committed relationship in the third season, but Charles is hesitant to pursue it further. Joy moving in with Charles seems to delight him, but Charles worries about the changes that occur with a committed relationship. After harbouring suspicions that Joy killed Ben and refusing to talk to her about it, Charles causes Joy great emotional pain. As a result of Charles’ refusal to be honest with her about his feelings, she makes the decision to break off the engagement.
On the other hand, Charles comes to the realisation that he loves Joy and wants her close by, complicating the split. Given the circumstances of Charles and Joy’s split, a reconciliation is likely. Charles accidentally pops the question to Joy, but by the conclusion of episode 5, he is more committed to the notion. Charles will probably end up attempting to regain Joy’s affection as a result. Charles may learn some unsettling things as a result of his determination to catch Ben’s killer. As a result, his connection with Joy can be more jeopardised in the future. Nevertheless, it is clear that Charles and Joy are a good match and are much in love. Therefore, it might only be a matter of time before they decide to mend their differences and reconcile.