‘One Piece’ on Netflix is based on the same-named manga series and chronicles the exploits of Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates. The foundation for the plot with limitless potential is laid in the first season. The plot starts with Luffy’s aspiration to unearth One Piece, the legendary lost treasure of Gol D. Roger, and ascend to the position of Pirate King. Although Luffy is passionate and full of energy, his route to his goals is paved with dangers. Only a small portion of the difficulties he would experience in realising his aim are depicted in this season. Here is what the season’s conclusion implies for him. Spoilers follow.
One Piece Season 1 Recap
Since he was a young child, Luffy has admired the pirate Shanks and yearned to join his crew. However, he ultimately made the decision to set sail alone and assemble his own crew. After eating a Devil Fruit, which changed his body into rubber and made him powerful enough to face the foes he would come across along the route, he discovered this confidence. He needs to make some friends first, though.
Koby is Luffy’s first friend, and he helps him escape the nasty pirate Alvida’s custody. They arrive in Shells Town together, when Koby declares his wish to join the Marines. Here, Luffy meets Zoro and Nami, who unwittingly join his group as members. Koby is left behind as Luffy continues on to increase his team and travel to the Grand Line with his newly acquired map. Others, though, are after that map, and when they learn that Luffy has it, they launch a full-scale assault on him. Vice Admiral Garp is additionally pursuing Luffy through the East Blue.
One Piece Season 1 Ending: Is Arlong Dead?
When everything seemed to be going the Straw Hat Pirates’ way, Arlong shows up and wrecks everything. Buggy was abandoned by them in a shredded state, when he was discovered by Arlong. The pirate chases Luffy and his pals to Baratie after learning they have the map, where they engage in combat. Nami admits to working for Arlong the entire time, knowing that Luffy wouldn’t be able to defeat him. He rejects her assertions that she was never a member of Luffy’s crew.
Arlong stormed Nami’s village and murdered her mother, it is later revealed. She chose to work with Arlong in order to save her people. She agreed to purchase the town from him for a predetermined sum in exchange for his stopping his harassment of the community. But when she says she has the money, Arlomg sends the Marines after her because he never wanted her to leave. She is forced to start over once they seize her loot. She begs Luffy for assistance in taking down Arlong and rescuing her people because she realises she has gotten herself into trouble and will never truly be free.
The Straw Hat Pirates attack Arlong and his troops in the last episode. Luffy and Nami pursue the leader of Arlong’s soldiers as the rest battle his men. After a protracted battle in which Luffy concedes he lacks the strength to defeat Arlong, the young pirate opts to go a different way. Because she was the only person who could create a map for him, he is aware that Arlong has kept Nami all these years. Therefore, Luffy decides to shatter Arlong’s dream by destroying everything he had worked for rather than killing him.
He begins tearing down the pillars in order to bring the roof down and level the entire building and everything inside of it. Arlong understands his strategy but is powerless to stop Luffy, landing a few punches to advance his plan. Finally, the entire structure crumbles, and Luffy is victorious. His pals wait impatiently for him to emerge from the wreckage. He emerges, demonstrating that he has survived and prevailed in the conflict. But Arlong is nowhere to be seen. Does this imply he has passed away?
It is safe to presume that Arlong has survived this ordeal because we don’t see a body and because he is considerably stronger than Luffy. Later, when Garp and the other Marines show up, he speaks about apprehending Arlong’s men but makes no mention of Arlong. This suggests that he may have fled knowing that he would face arrest if the Marines located him.
Does this mean we will see Arlong again if he is still alive? The solution is uncertain. Despite the author’s assurances that Arlong survived, once he is vanquished in the manga series, he does not return. The Netflix series has a lot of alternatives and plots to consider in the upcoming seasons, so they might not be as keen on bringing Arlong back and devising a new storyline for him. This is because the Straw Hat Pirates still have a lot of problems ahead of them. Though a TV programme operates differently from a manga, its creators may still be able to bring him back.
What Happens to Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates?
Nami regains her independence and her town is revitalised with Arlong gone. Garp and the Marines eventually show up though. When they fight, Garp demonstrates that he is significantly more powerful than Luffy since the Vice Admiral is not in the mood to let his grandson go. Despite the overwhelming odds against him, the young pirate doesn’t give up and keeps battling. When Garp finally gets Luffy by the throat and he starts laughing, he is reminded of Gol D. Roger, the last King of the Pirates, who laughed in a similar fashion before being executed.
Garp understands what Mihawk had told him when he compares Roger to Luffy. The two pirates appear to have some strange similarities, and Luffy might end up accomplishing something no one else has. He might be able to locate One Piece. Garp releases his grandson and explains that he wrestled him to see if he had the strength of character to be a pirate. He was putting Luffy to the test to see if he would quit at the first sign of difficulty. But Luffy showed that he was capable of being a pirate. Garp thus gives him the go-ahead and permits him to travel to the Grand Line to begin his search for One Piece.
The Straw Hat Pirates gather towards the conclusion and discuss their aspirations. In addition to Sanji’s ambition to locate the All Blue, Zoro wants to master the art of swordplay, Nami wants to create a map of the globe, and Luffy reiterates his desire to rule the pirates as king. Nami points out the presence of a strange mountain where the water is flowing upward as she guides them. She believes that this is an oddity, possibly a typo. They are travelling to the Grand Line as this is about the Reverse Mountain.
The Reverse Mountain is mentioned, indicating that the daring pirates will face many more difficulties in the second season. However, that is not all. A bounty is placed on Luffy’s head when he defeats Arlong, solidifying his status as a pirate. The size of the bounty indicates that the government views him as a serious threat. Due to the bounty, Luffy would now be sought after by every pirate, pirate hunter, Marine, and anybody looking to make a lot of money. These adversaries are in addition to those they already have. In one scene, Buggy and Alvida are shown in a pub discussing working together to capture Luffy because they both have grievances against him. This demonstrates how treacherous and hostile the road ahead is for Luffy.
Who is the Mystery Man at the End?
Speaking of foes, the season’s final scene features an unidentified man glancing at Luffy’s reward poster, indicating that he would pursue the pirate as well. Despite the fact that no name is given, the two cigars are a clear giveaway. Captain Smoker is a fearsome Marine who is committed to prosecuting pirates. His appearance in the last shot indicates that he will play a significant role in the plot for the upcoming season, possibly even taking on the role of the primary antagonist.
Without giving too much away about the Captain, we can say that he operates according to his own moral code and sees the world in a murky area. He recognises that not everyone is entirely good or bad for him and isn’t afraid to work with less evil people to catch the more evil. You should also be aware of the Captian’s abilities, which include the ability to change into pure smoke after consuming a Devil Fruit.
Loguetown, the scene of the infamous Gol D. Roger’s execution, is where the Captain is. This is also one of the final locations before starting the voyage to the Grand Line, therefore Luffy and his team will have to pass through this town and run into the Captain there. It will be interesting to see how things develop from there. However, the Netflix series has left behind enough clues for viewers to hang onto and later examine in the second season.
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