‘Platonic,’ an Apple TV+ comedy-drama series created by Francesca Delbanco and Nicholas Stoller, brings back Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne from the ‘Neighbors’ cast. Rogen and Byrne’s easy and entertaining chemistry quickly translates to the show is plot, where their characters have the eponymous type of relationship, despite the fact that they do not play spouses as they do in the “Neighbors” movie. In the seventh episode, “Let the River Run,” Sylvia (Byrne) returns to work but finds it difficult to get along with her coworkers. Will (Rogen) discovers that his partners are hosting a launch party for a cause he opposes in the meanwhile. Here is all the information you would need on the conclusion of episode 7 of “Platonic.” Spoilers follow.
Platonic Episode 7 Recap
Before her alarm went off, Sylvia was awake and prepared to start her first day of work. Sylvia spills something on her skirt while eating breakfast with her family, necessitating an immediate hair dryer use. When she drops off her kids at school, she proudly informs the teachers that her mother-in-law would be picking them up. In the meantime, Charlie (Luke Macfarlane) is overjoyed that his wife is back at work. He is concerned as Sylvia has returned to the employment as an associate in a law firm where all the associates are likely several years younger than her. However, his meeting with Stewart serves as a reminder of how difficult life is for an associate.
Sylvia has a less than ideal first day of work. Due to the pressure at work, her optimism about restarting her professional life gradually fades. Due to the age gap, she feels alienated from her coworkers and accidentally offends one of them. Later, when she is duplicating paperwork and nodding off, her head strikes the Kirk Friedkin portrait behind her, causing it to tumble from the wall. When Sylvia notices a tear in the painting, she becomes alarmed and tries to patch it up on her own. When that fails, she makes a call to Will.
Up until that time, Will’s day had gone relatively better. His business partners approve of the novel beverage he creates, but they are hesitant to sell it to consumers once they realize that each bottle costed him $60 to produce. They settle on a compromise in the end. Reggie and Andy consent to selling it in line with Will’s strategy. He expects that by keeping the price per bottle around $10, Lucky Penny would gain a good reputation. If that does not work, they will try selling the beer for $100 per bottle, which is what Reggie intends to do. While actually preparing to hold a launch party for Omar’s new kombucha company, Daa Booch, Will’s business partners pose as though they are giving him the day off.
Will eventually shows up, but his attempts to alter the painting only make it worse, so he persuades Sylvia that they should contact his ex-wife Audrey for assistance. Audrey works in the art world, and it is obvious that their relationship has improved since she last made an appearance on TV.
Platonic Episode 7 Ending: Does Sylvia Get Fired?
Yes, Sylvia is only fired from her new job after two days. Audrey introduces them to an anti-establishment, arrogant rabble-rouser she knows by the name of Lord Rotero (although his true name is Gregory). As soon as Lord Rotero sees the artwork, he starts ranting about how it perfectly captures the evilness of capitalism and how they can make it better, which leads Sylvia to beg him to replicate it in its original form. When Jane and Will finally go back to pick up the painting, they find that Lord Rotero has exactly replicated Friedkin’s work with the exception of the addition of a phallic nose.
The next morning, Sylvia is summoned to the HR department where she finds out that there is video documentation of what transpired. Sylvia first gets the impression from the talk that the HR representative is sympathetic to her position and that she can return to work. However, Sylvia is then informed in clear terms that she has been let go. She packs her things slowly, which irritates the HR representative since she is motivated by that inner troll who has returned since she and Will rekindled their friendship. But it is easy to see Sylvia’s panicked expression as she walks away.
The upcoming episode’s plot will probably heavily rely on Charlie’s response to Sylvia’s termination. He might wonder why Sylvia did not get in touch with him rather than Will, despite the fact that he seems to have lost some of his concerns about his wife’s relationship with Will. He knew Friedkin personally, therefore he may have offered to assist her.
Why Don’t Andy and Reggie Tell Will about Daa Booch?
Lord Rotero and Will are comparable in a variety of ways. They quickly become friends and begin referring to one another as “my man” for a cause. Will has the same opinion about fermentation and brewing that Lord Rotero does about the world of art. This is known to Andy and Reggie, who are also aware of Will’s strong opposition to the concept of fermenting sugared tea. They chose Omar instead since he lacks Will’s preconceptions and is essentially his helper at the brewery.
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.