Let us Get Divorced, a Japanese comedy-drama series on Netflix, follows Taishi Shoji, a third-generation politician and lawmaker, and Yui Kurosawa, a well-known actress who made her mark on a drama series. The pair has been married for five years, but although appearing to be a happy couple for the sake of their careers and public image, their relationship has been slowly deteriorating.
Collectively, Taishi and Yui resolve to break up, but their parents and other people disagree. Therefore, the couple must cooperate and work together to accomplish their shared objective of achieving a divorce. The comedy series, which stars Tori Matsuzaka, Riisa Naka, Ryo Nishikido, Yuka Itaya, Risa Oda, and Fuju Kamio, takes place in some intriguing locales as the pair struggles through their difficult marriage and attempts to file for divorce. If you are curious about the location where “Let us Get Divorced” was filmed, allow us to fill you in!
Let’s Get Divorced Filming Locations
The entire movie “Let us Get Divorced” was shot in Japan, specifically in Tokyo, Matsuyama City, and perhaps Okinawa. According to reports, the first season’s principal filming started in March 2022 and ended in June of that same year. So let us get right to all the precise places where the Netflix series’ protagonists’ marriage is put to the test without wasting any time!
Tokyo, Japan
Since Tokyo is both Japan’s capital and its economic hub, a sizable amount of “Let us Get Divorced” was filmed there. According to reports, the filming crew sets up camp at several locations throughout the city, most likely near Tokyo Media City at 5 Chome-7-1 Kinuta in Setagaya City. You may also see several recognizable and well-known sites and structures in the background of a few outdoor parts. Nishi-Shinjuku, Mount Fuji, the National Diet Building, the Tokyo Imperial Palace, and the Tokyo Skytree are a few examples.
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Other Locations in Japan
The “Let us Get Divorced” production team also travels to other areas in Japan for shooting. Matsuyama, for instance, may be one of the main filming locations for the comedy-drama series. It is the capital city of Ehime Prefecture and a significant regional commercial hub located on the island of Shikoku. You might catch glimpses of Matsuyama Castle, The Museum of Art, Ehime, the Shiki Memorial Museum, Ishite-ji, Taisan-ji, and Jdo-ji in a few sequences throughout various episodes.
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Let us Get Divorced appears to have been taped in Okinawa, often known as Okinawa Main Island, for some important portions. It is one of many tourist destinations in Japan’s Kyushu region, and you might recognize some of them from the scenery in some scenes. Some of them are the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, Century Beach, Pineapple Park, the Orion Beer Factory, Hiji Falls, the Mid-Sea Road, and Cape Manzamo.
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.