Ryan Reynolds Filmed His Colonoscopy Procedure To Raise Cancer Awareness; Doctors Find Polyp

WATERLOO – The colonoscopy procedures that Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney underwent both revealed polyps; as a result, the actors are doing their share to spread awareness of colon cancer.


The two buddies, who turned 45 this year, chose to wager on the Welsh football team Wrexham AFC. Reynolds wagered that if McElhenney learned the challenging Welsh language, which he did—though just a few phrases, in the end—he would broadcast his colonoscopy.


“I frequently appear on camera. However, it was the first time one had been pushed up my a** “According to Reynolds’ video. “The preparation and operation were painless, but the uncomfortable portion of filming and sharing the process was. Rob and I did it to make this possibly life-saving treatment less stigmatised and mysterious.”

On June 22, 2022, Ryan Reynolds addresses the audience during “Embrace Next Generation Storytelling” in Cannes, France. (Image courtesy of Getty Images/Arnold Jerocki)
Reynolds posted a YouTube video of the process.

In the footage, Reynolds can be seen walking through the hospital and discussing the surgery with a doctor before it starts.

Reynolds was informed by the physician that a very small polyp had been discovered in his colon.

“For you, this may have saved your life. I’m not making this up, I’m not overacting, “said the doctor. “This is the reason you act in this way. You were symptom-free.”

McElhenney’s colon, meanwhile, was immaculate.

The two guys launched the “LEAD FROM BEHIND” project to increase awareness in collaboration with the Colorectal Cancer Alliance.

“At age 38, I received a stage III colon cancer diagnosis. According to Brooks Bell, the creator of “LEAD FROM BEHIND, “said. “By the time they are 45 years old, around one in three persons have polyps. In most cases, polyps are symptomless. A colonoscopy can detect these and remove them right away, preventing the development of cancer in the future. My 35-year-old sister had her first colonoscopy after I was diagnosed, and a huge polyp was discovered and removed. She may have lived thanks to it.”

Facts about colon cancer

A colonoscopy can help prevent colon cancer, which is the second-deadliest cancer in America, according to the Alliance. By 2030, it’s expected to be the most common cancer that claims the lives of persons under 50.

“150,000 people will receive a colon cancer diagnosis this year. Colon cancer can be prevented, so they don’t have to be “CEO of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, Michael Sapienza, stated. In 2009, Sapienza’s mother passed away from the illness.

screenings for colon cancer should start at age 45 rather than 50.
Americans should begin colon cancer screenings at age 45 rather than waiting until they are 50.

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) estimates that in 2021, colorectal cancer would claim the lives of more than 52,980 Americans.

The likelihood of developing colorectal cancer rises with age and is more common in men than in women.

The median age of diagnosis in the United States is 67 years old, according to the AACR, and it is more prevalent in Black Americans than other racial groups.

A colorectal cancer diagnosis is more prevalent in people who smoke, drink alcohol, or are fat. The group claimed that adopting healthy activities can lower risk.

On February 2, 2022, American President Joe Biden made statements from the White House on his revived “Cancer Moonshot” programme.

Changes in bowel patterns, blood in or on your stool, diarrhoea, constipation, weight loss, and persistent abdominal pain, pains, or cramps are just a few symptoms that may appear.

Regular screening, starting around age 45, is the key to prevention, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, especially because colorectal polyps and colorectal cancer don’t always show symptoms, especially at first.