The Israeli military drama “Fauda,” created by Lior Raz and Avi Issacharoff, centers on the turmoil between Israel and Palestine and the characters’ ensuing moral conundrums. Doron Kavillio, a former member of a secret counterterrorism unit, is convinced to return to duty after it is learned that infamous terrorist Abu Ahmad is still alive, despite Doron believing he had killed him. The program tracks the pursuit of Abu, who is currently preparing a significant strike on Israel, by the undercover team.
The action thriller series is exceptional in that it can provide its viewers with a thorough understanding of the Middle Eastern crisis while maintaining a fictional plot line. We’ve compiled a list of more action thriller programs that are both educational and entertaining and have a real-world setting. The majority of these ‘Fauda’-like’ shows are available to stream on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
False Flag (2015-)
In the movie “False Flag” or “Kfulim,” starring Ishai Golan and directed by Oded Ruskin, five Israeli citizens discover that they are the prime suspects in the kidnapping of a prominent politician. They are listed as wanted on television networks all around the world, and public information about them, including passport photos, is widely disseminated. The constant media attention greatly complicates the suspects’ private life.
The program, which was developed by Maria Feldman and Amit Cohen, shows how these people are left on their own without assistance from the Mossad or the Israeli government. Even their friends and family start to question their credibility. The fast-paced action thriller, like “Fauda,” is set amid Israel’s political upheaval as the main characters battle to overcome obstacles.
Jack Ryan (2018-)
‘Jack Ryan’ is a political action-thriller series based on the well-known figure from Tom Clancy’s “Ryanverse” about a CIA analyst and former marine who is thrust into a challenging field assignment to dismantle a terrorist group that is preparing to launch a significant strike. Similar to “Fauda,” the viewers are given a dual perspective that details the lives of the opposing parties. The main characters in both series are people who made relatively calm lives for themselves away from undertakings that could have killed them, only to be drawn back in.
Prisoners of War (2010-2012)
Three Israeli soldiers, Nimrode, Uri, and Amiel, who had been held as prisoners of war in Lebanon for 17 years are the focus of the movie “Prisoners of War” or “Hatufim.” It chronicles their fight to rebuild themselves in a world that functioned without them. As a result of years of being tortured in captivity, they also battle with post-traumatic stress disorder. The popular television series “Homeland” has been based on the Gideon Raff-created show. For fans of “Fauda,” the action-packed Israeli thriller series is a must-watch.
Rebellion (2016-2019)
The events that occurred in Dublin following World War I, causing social upheaval and instability for its residents, are the focus of the historical fiction series “Rebellion.” It shows a group of friends from various regions of the United Kingdom who play opposing roles. The program features well-known actors like Charlie Murphy and Ruth Bradley and was written, produced, and directed by Colin Teevan and Aku Louhimies. Similar to “Fauda,” the program is set against a backdrop of regional social unrest.
Söz (2017-2019)
The Turkish drama “Söz” or “The Oath” depicts the life of Yavuz, a commander of special forces, as he leads a group of 12 soldiers to apprehend the terrorists responsible for the murder of his fiancée. Similar to “Fauda,” the action-packed thriller series depicts the close-knit teamwork of the elite task force as they valiantly repel militant attacks while pursuing their leader. The relationship between Yavuz and Dr. Bahar, who forgoes her comforts and pleasures to accompany him into the tumultuous life he has chosen, is also explored.
Strike Back (2010-2020)
After being forced to quit from his position as a member of the British special forces seven years prior, John Porter (Richard Armitage) is reactivated to save journalist Katie Dartmouth (Orla Brady) from the same terrorists in Iraq that he had earlier battled against. Like “Fauda,” “Strike Back” won praise from critics for its accurate portrayal of real events while adhering to a fictional storyline.
Additionally, Chris Ryan, a former member of the Special Air Service, wrote a book with the same title in 2007. Lior Raz and Avi Issacharoff, who created “Fauda,” both served in the Israeli Defense Forces and took inspiration from their personal experiences.
Tehran (2020-)
The Israeli TV drama “Tehran,” which earned the International Emmy Award for Best Drama Series, is another brilliant creation by Noah Stollman, who also served as “Fauda”‘s lead writer. It centers on Tamar (Niv Sultan), a hacker and Mossad spy, who enters Tehran undercover and becomes entangled in her new life. She is now required to take part in a mission that will endanger her family members back home. The themes of the historical political turmoil in Israel intertwined with modern plotlines appear in both “Tehran” and “Fauda.”
Wolf (2018)
The Turkish-language miniseries, which was written and directed by Alper Caglar, is set in 2014, a year marked by rising tensions as Turkey confronted with significant border threats. The Wolf special police squad’s daily struggles in places where political upheaval is a reality-based setting are followed in the action thriller series on Netflix that has the feel of a documentary. Along with the severe events on the field, “Wolf” or “Börü” also deals with the inner tragedies of the characters. The program portrays an elite task force’s battle against terrorist organizations at their nation’s most trying times, much as “Fauda.”
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