The reality series “Seeking Brother Husband” on TLC chronicles the lives of four polyandrous couples as they look for a new companion for the wife. Elisa Janelle Alpizar and Mike Onorato, a couple from Los Angeles, California, who even have a podcast called “Poly+Amor=Us,” are featured in Season 1. Elisa is a spiritual person who loves to act and create. Although little is known about Mike’s occupation, he appears to be working and still supporting his wife, who is looking for a new relationship.
Mike is prepared to try it in order to preserve their relationship, even though he does acknowledge that he feels “jealous” about the entire situation. Some individuals might not understand the two or value their thoughts because they are outsiders. But if you’re curious in the couple’s eight-year relationship and want to know how it got started, we’ve got you covered!
Elisa and Mike: How Did They Meet?
Elisa and Mike first met at the Lightning in a Bottle festival on an arbitrary Saturday and instantly became best friends. The two were enjoying themselves at the event, which Elisa attended with her closest friend, Amanda Ayres, unaware that they were going to meet their mate. Elisa observed Amanda talking to Mike as the musician Flume was about to begin his concert. Elisa was drawn to him and made the decision to take advantage of the ideal situation to start a discussion. However, by the time she arrived at the two, the set had already started, so she was unable to introduce herself.
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For the entire concert, they stood close to one another, but neither of them felt comfortable approaching the other. As Amanda knew her best friend like the back of her hand, she could tell that Mike caught her attention. She shoved Elisa in the direction of Mike, who intervened in time to stop her from falling. The two got along, dancing together during the performance under the purple lights after he checked on her. Elisa said the kiss was “pure magic,” and Mike started it.
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The couple, who had been dating for about three years, wed on a beach in September 2018. The couple’s relationship has experienced many ups and downs throughout the years. Let’s follow their relationship’s journey to see what motivated them to write “Seeking Brother Husband.”
Elisa and Mike’s Journey Together
Mike and Elisa have been together for almost eight years. The pair, who both lead hectic lives, spends the entire day together, just enjoying one other’s company and relaxing whenever they can. They relocated to Los Angeles, California’s Hollywood district in 2020 in order to live their perfect lives and follow their aspirations. Like real soulmates would, the two encourage and push one other ahead in the greatest ways possible.
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Elisa struggled with commitment, so the couple decided to be polyamorous and honest about their relationship. Elisa acknowledged in a confessional that she had cheated on Michael even though they were content just a few years into their relationship. She felt a deep attraction to someone, and their connection wooed her and caused her to commit adultery. She said it was the hardest moment in their relationship because she couldn’t understand why, despite her marriage being picture-perfect, she was attracted to someone else.
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Elisa was not aware of the other option they have now given some thought to, which is being in a relationship with Mike while also enjoying her romantic dynamics with a third person. Their relationship was hampered by infidelity, and if they were going to continue together, a decision had to be taken. According to Mike, it was a “rocky route” and very challenging for him to go over that stage of acceptance; as a result, in order to be more receptive to the notion, he had to read books about psychology and relationships.
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It’s interesting to note that Elisa’s loved ones and friends back her and Mike’s choice wholeheartedly and wish them the best. She remarked, “My pals are all like, ‘Do whatever makes you happy – as long as everyone is happy, that’s all that matters.'” This is not a new thing — back in the ’70s, people were doing this all the time!, my father loves to say. The couple hasn’t mentioned desiring children because they are now pleased with being pet parents. Maybe they want to find a solution to the immediate issue before looking for a potential mate for Elisa to connect with and see where their relationship goes.
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.