The Spanish mystery-thriller series “The Snow Girl” on Netflix was originally known as “La chica de nieve.” The story’s gripping central mystery is the disappearance of Amaya, a young child. A trainee journalist named Miren Rojo (Milena Smit), along with her mentor Eduardo (José Coronado) and Inspector Millan (Aixa Villagrán), are tasked with looking into this case. Miren tries to put the pieces of the evidence together despite the cold trail and the apparent paradox of everything. She is always haunted by a tragic event from her background, which she uses to advance the case.
The series is a reimagining of the same-titled novel by Javier Andrés Roig, which garnered over a million sales in Spain. The two filmmakers who worked together on this project and condensed the plot into a binge-worthy series are Davida Ulloa and Laura Aleva. Here is a collection of ideas we’ve put together if you were immersed in the sinister world and want to recreate the feeling. Most of these programmes like “The Snow Girl” are available on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime!
Alba (2021)
A Spanish television series called “Alba” centres on Alba (Elena Rivera), who returns home for the holidays and finds that everything has changed overnight. She experiences a sexual attack after discovering she has been woken up on a beach. She is shocked to learn that the four boys who committed this deed are the perpetrators. Alba pursues her criminals to exact revenge because she is courageous and has a steely spine. The minds of this drama are Carlos Martn and Ignasi Rubio. Like Alba, Miren pursues her wrongdoers, as seen in “The Snow Girl.”
Express (2022- )
Another excellent Spanish thriller series, “Express,” is about express kidnapping, a violent crime in which victims are forced to hand over cash they have just taken from an ATM. Barbara is the victim of this heinousness in the drama, and the crooks briefly kidnap her. We follow the young psychologist’s and her family’s journey as they cope with the fallout from this growing criminality. Iván Escobar, the show’s creator, also uses certain comedic aspects to lighten the mood of the programme. In “The Snow Girl,” a somewhat comparable crime is seen through Miren’s eyes, but in “Express,” the experience is seen through the eyes of the kidnapped.
I May Destroy You (2020)
Dark humour is laced throughout the thought-provoking drama series “I May Destroy You.” It centres on Arabella (Michaela Coel), a late-20s influencer and novelist who has received high praise for her work. She goes out with her friends as she needs a night off from cramming while writing her second book.
But the following day, Arabella scarcely remembers what happened the night before. Author and creator Michaela Coel challenges your ideas about sexual consent while delving into complex issues like exploitation and freedom through the eyes of flawed characters. The characters of both series, similar to “The Snow Girl,” are going past sexual abuse-related traumas and even using it as a stimulus in their life.
Stolen Away (2020)
Spanish thriller series “Stolen Away” was originally known as “Perdida.” It is made by Natxo López, who fills this niche with a hitherto unseen component. The investigation is finished and nothing is disclosed after Antonio’s 5-year-old daughter isn’t found. But thirteen years later, he creates a strategy to figure out what really happened in the unexplained incident. In order to purposefully get caught in Bogota and find the person who abducted his child years ago, Antonio intentionally sniffs cocaine. Similar to this plotline from “The Snow Girl,” individuals find out the truth a long time after the tragedy.
The Disappearance (2015)
A teenage girl goes a festival but doesn’t come home, and a police inquiry and subsequent events are followed in the French thriller series “The Disappearance” (also known as “Disparue”). The occurrence is difficult for her family to deal with, and their neighbourhood is where the final revelation’s secrets are hidden. With her mind-boggling turns, director Charlotte Brandström makes us question if it was a crime or an accident. This performance is noted for its “oh, didn’t see that coming” moments, so tune in if you enjoy the surprise of “The Snow Girl.”
The Lørenskog Disappearance (2022)
A Norwegian crime drama based on real events, The Lrenskog Disappearance is largely known as “Forsvinningen – Lrenskog 31. Oktober 2018.” The wife of a billionaire was kidnapped from her home, and the police kept running into dead ends in their investigation.
The junctures and curveballs in the show are the highlight and keep you fascinated until the very end, even if the circumstances change a year later and the culprit is finally identified. Nikolaj Frobenius and Stephen Uhlander, the show’s creators, expertly distil the actual incident into a miniseries. For lovers of “The Snow Girl” who can’t get enough of a similar story set in a true crime environment, “The Lrenskog Disappearance” is a pleasure.
The Missing (2014-2016)
Harry and Jack Williams are the authors of the British mystery anthology series “The Missing”. The story’s opening segment centres on a family travelling through France for a holiday. Their kid Oliver inexplicably vanishes in a packed bar and is never located. Eight years later, his father comes across compelling evidence and contacts Julien Baptiste, the investigator who was initially assigned to the case, for help.
Similar to the previous section, the second one features the same investigator becoming involved in yet another case involving a missing young girl. In an effort to find out what happened, Julien takes every effort to find the victim, going as far as Germany and Iraq. Like “The Snow Girl,” this programme centres on hypothetical examples of kids who vanish and aren’t discovered for a while.
The Moorside (2017)
The Moorside, a two-part British television series directed by Paul Whittington, centres on the disappearance of Shannon Matthews, a 9-year-old girl. Her friends and neighbours participate in the hunt, demonstrating what it means to put forth a true community effort. Despite this, there is disagreement among viewers over the show’s suitability for television and its delicate material. However, a common theme in both shows is “hope” and doing the most for others without any selfish reasons. In contrast to “The Snow Girl,” an entire village helps the police and fulfils their job in “The Moorside.”
Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.